3 aprilie 2007

Fallen Angels (creatie proprie clasa a 7a)

Freedom, white rose, friends,
Sunset, morning dew.
Just empty, useless words
For those like me and you.

We've lost our dreams, our hopes, our lives,
This icy world destroyed them all...
Just for a moment, close your eyes
And see how crimson angels fall.

We used to be like they were,
With white and magic wings,
Now we're alone out here,
Watching the cursed, yet charming beings.

We're damned to live forever,
We don't deserve to die.
My soul hurts more than ever...
We're living in a lie.

He told us we must love
And bless the faithful lords.
I look at the sky above
And curse the Liar's words.

The gates are closed for you, for me.
We don't deserve any of this.
It's wrong, I'm sure we shouldn't be
Imprisoned because of a kiss.

All we have is each other
You're holding tight to me.
And now we can afford another
Sin, to earn this way to be...

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